IC.A.R.E Association, LLC

Established since 2016
The C.A.R.E philosophy was first coined in 2017 by association founder, Dr. Sheppard, in her finalized graduate project entitled, "T.E.A.M Social" a youth social club which combined various engagement platforms for youth (ages 12-17) to connect with like-minded peers for emotional support and develop accountability partnerships. T.E.A.M provided a blueprint for our association's operation and structure from Fall 2017- Spring 2020.
Due to the indescribable impact of the Covid-pandemic, C.A.R.E was rebranded in 2021 to include the 5th value; Integrity. Since the start of dissertation research, IC.A.R.E has grown from an evidenced-based thesis and into a community's pledged promise.
A promise to care! A promise to counteract the negative impact of the 4 agents of culture change; a promise to apply the values established AND remove the limitations of personal and professional development regardless of the intersectionality of one's identity.​
ICARE associates, volunteers, interns, and awarded demonstrators are individuals, families, professionals, agencies, programs, and communities aiming towards one goal: Holistic Development through Higher Ground Leadership.
Motto, Mission, Purpose
Motto: "Just when the caterpillar thought life was over, it turned into a butterfly."
Mission: To provide lifelong training, education, inspiration, support, sponsorship, and/or investment to individuals, families, & communities' holistic development regardless of the adverse experiences of childhood.
Purpose: To bridge the generational and cultural gaps in youth and professionals for greater access to educational programs/studies, explorational travel, and/or micro-credentialing.

2024 IC.A.R.E Demonstrators
Those recognized & awarded for
being the evidential proof the values of association are valid, lived, & necessary.
IC.A.R.E Regional Supports